Five Months In…

Since having my baby girl Bianca, I have been using some baby products that I have found very useful. I’ve also been looking out for new products, and some I have yet to try that I am contemplating getting still. I mean how much more baby stuff can you get? Well, there’s a ton of products still untouched by many mamas and I want to get my hands on more!

Let me share with you a few that I have found to be helpful these last five months.

  1. Desitin Baby Rash Cream
For terrible rashes I lather this on with some baby powder to take away the wetness, and it’s gone within a day or two. You might want to get an applicator for this stuff because it’s sticky and hard to get off your hands.
The NoseFrida is the best. I tried to avoid using it when I first got one with my son because the concept kind of grosses me out. I used the bulb from the hospital, but it didn’t do the job. So I tried using this one when Bianca was so sick last month and it works so well! Besides making me gag a little lol.

I have hated cutting my baby’s nails since my son was born. I even used to have my neighbor do it for me when he was really small. I’m kind of terrible at it and would feel like such a bad mom if I accidentally cut one of their fingers. I got the Nail-Frida as a gift this pregnancy and that’s how I discovered this magical solution to my clipping woes. I wish I had it when my son was small.
Both my babies have suffered from cradle cap. I have used this on Bianca everyday and it helps in loosening and reducing the buildup of cradle cap.
How Genius is this?!
These smell so good and relaxing!
Great to rub on the chest, feet, and temples of the head to help clear sinuses and a tight, sick chest.
I wasn’t sure if I’d use this when I first got it as a gift, but it has been great especially the first few months when you only sponge bath them. Now that Bianca is bigger I don’t use it has much, but still pull it out if she just needs a quick rinse down.
She isn’t crazy about the swing, and will only last a while on her play mat. Bianca will stay in this thing long enough for me to make dinner or get my son ready for bed. She is becoming very handy with the toys around her, and she loves being able to stand alongside her brother in it,
Yes, I breastfeed, but I have also been supplementing and as Bianca’s gotten older I’ve been feeding her formula more and more. This machine makes the milk at the perfect mixture and temperature, and let’s you know when it needs to be cleaned or is low on water/formula. Great for those late night feeds when you can barely see. Fair warning, it does go a little over the chosen ounce, if that makes a huge difference for you, maybe look into a different one.

Formula Pro Advanced Formula Dispenser – This is the newest version. My friend has it and it’s definitely worth the twenty extra dollars. Smaller, warmer milk temperature setting, and has a stronger motor.
Bianca was suffering really bad from reflux. Because of that, milk and spit-up would get stuck under her chin, behind her ears, and in her neck rolls. When she was just a few weeks old I couldn’t understand why she kept smelling after I bathed her, until I lifted her chin up and saw the sour milk and red rash because of it. The pediatrician recommended I use this under her neck and behind her ears after bathing to heal and protect her from getting infection or milk stuck. It did the job perfectly, and I still use it now and then.
I think everyone has their own opinions on bottles and what they think is the best. I use Dr. Brown’s bottles because that’s what worked for my son and helps reduce reflux. Since Bianca had reflux/colic these just seemed like the best choice. I tried a few others here and there to see if I’d like them more, and that wasn’t the case.
There are many of these to choose from, but the Rock n’ Play is one of the baby products you cannot live without! Bianca is still sleeping in hers for part of the night and usually for naps. It helps them feel hugged and snuggled, like they’re back in the womb. It has a slight incline which is helpful if they get sick like Bianca was a few weeks ago. I even put pillows underneath each leg to keep her even more elevated.
Sound machine you can control from your phone. Gives off whichever light you choose, and turns on and off by a schedule you create. Check it out for more details.
  1. Boon Bottle Drying Rack
For those first few weeks of life when your baby is so fragile and you need to be gentle. I used washcloths for everything (still do for the most part), especially wiping up messy poops. I usually would throw the washcloth away after that, but you don’t have to. Thank goodness for washing machines!
This is the exact one I have and got it from a hockey family when Nick was just starting out in Tampa as a trainer. I can’t thank the mom who got me this bag enough because when I put it on my registry I had no intentions of actually getting it because it was expensive. This bag though is the most durable, easy to clean, bring anywhere, not to big, most stylish diaper bag I’ve seen (personal opinion). They don’t seem to have mine on their website anymore (I got mine over two years ago). I linked the new one though. I recommend this backpack 10/10 to anyone on the search for one. I’m personally not a fan of the over the shoulder ones as the weight of the bag would most likely hurt one of my shoulders, etc. I can’t say enough great things about this diaper bag.
If you think you don’t need them, you’re wrong. In one of the most opportune times you will be like, “I can put it in one of my diaper bags!” Poop explosions, dirty clothes, spit-up on clothes, wet clothes, bathing suites, and so much more. Get these!
I just bought this one resale. I’ve always wanted it, but shied away because of the price. I finally got it and it’s as easy as ever to take up and put down while packing up small. The other one I have I also bought resale for my son, it’s Graco but its bulkier, heavier and takes up a lot of room in the trunk of the car

Things I wish I had or looking to buy:

  1. Baby Breeza Bottle Sterilizer; I have the the Dr. Brown’s Microwave Steam sterilizer.
  2. Crane Humidifier – After just going through having two sick babies, I had to move my humidifier from room to room depending on who was worse that night. I will definitely be purchasing another humidifier and I’m looking to get this one.
  3. Maty’s Chest Rub … And other products – They’re all organic and a much healthier alternative to other medicinal products.
  4. Babybjorn Bouncer – I feel like my daughter would’ve thrived and loved this product. She really didn’t like laying down as much as sitting up (she’s getting better about it now), and so we would always have to hold her. I just couldn’t justify the price.
  5. Bibs that won’t grow mold! I have a plethora of different branded bibs, but haven’t found any I’m in love with yet. I’ve already thrown away a bunch because of mold.

Some Toys She is loving right now:

I bought this for my son when he started teething but he never really used it (probably due to his cleft lip/palate). I whipped it back out recently and she is just chowing away on it.
Easy to grip and bite.
Soft and fun to touch!
Lights up, sings songs!
This is my favorite rattle for babies!
Bianca is really into a bell rattle we have similar to this.
One of the many teethers we have for her now. We have a major drooler on our hands.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


