I’m finally back! Already not sticking with one of my goals of 2019, but hey, it’s a new week and I’m starting over.
I have so much to share with you and I can’t wait to get you all caught up. Every day there are things I want to write about, talk with you about, and get your opinion on. These last few months have just been nonstop. Since having my baby girl, the holidays, visitors, birthdays, traveling, etc. I’ve been in survival mode, while trying to manage it all and get back into the swing of things. I can honestly say it’s starting to get easier and more manageable with the help, of course, of friends and family.
Now that I’m getting back into writing more I hope you guys stay patient with me as some days are easier than others, and other weeks are crazier than most. I’m a stay-at-home mom with two babies at home, I’m alone most of the time, and it is very demanding, time consuming, overwhelming at times, but also worth every minute.
Things and topics to look out for in the coming weeks include: My Birth Story, Time-Out Revamp, Potty Training Update, Breastfeeding Journey, PostPartum Journey, Baby Month-to-Month, Post Baby Body, and My Must Haves for my new babe.
I have already had some great opportunities been given to me regarding my status as a mommy blogger in 2019, and I look forward for what else is to come. I have officially been added as a Mommy Spot Contributor this year, which is amazing and I’m so proud to be apart of! I also was recently contacted to attend the Children’s Gasparilla Parade on behalf of Ashley Home Furniture, which was awesome. I brought some of my mommy friends along and got connected with other bloggers in the area too!
As a Mommy Spot Contributor I’ll be writing for them every other month and also be able to attend certain events, and be a part of giveaways, and make a difference in our community.
Thank you for being supportive and sticking by me. If you aren’t following me on social yet, please do! Sometimes I post informative things on there regarding me and what’s going on. It’s more quick and responsive.
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